A brand is not just a logo, color theme, an image, the products or services you offer, or your company culture. Essentially, a brand is your reputation...a personality of sorts. Visualize this, a brand is like a multi layered cake, frosted with personality. Basically, your brand is the icing on the cake - your reputation.
Do I have your attention? I thought so!
Your brands reputation is created over time in the minds of your audience. Your brand is the icing on the cake - what the customers see and feel about your organization.
Now, I maybe have gotten ahead of myself. You can't just have icing, right? We need to have a cake to decorate with icing.
One layer may consist of your mission, vision, values, and entrepreneurial passion. Another layer may consist of your products, services, and team. A third layer may consist of your marketing on social media, in print, on billboards, radio, television, etc. A fourth layer may be built on your devotion to your customers and community.
See where I am going with this?
Your brand is built on many layers. It's not just your logo, an awesome color theme, the cool products or life-changing services you offer, or your team.... it's about the cake under the icing. Without the cake, there wouldn't be any icing. The icing wouldn't be able to hold itself up without the many layers and structure of the cake.
The cake is what your customers consume and is finished with the icing.
What you do, why you do it, how you communicate it through marketing, how you engage with the community, and how you treat your customers. Without the layers, there would be no...icing on the cake (pun intended)! The customers create assumptions about your brand, the organization's reputation, and personality by consuming the cake.
Do you want to have better icing on your cake? I certainly do!
Do you want to build a better cake by defining your product/services, developing a marketing plan for print, online, social media, connecting with your community, and existing customers? Contact Kate for a complimentary marketing consultation to discuss creating a customized marketing plan for your growing business - contact@klgdesigns.net