In a few days, we will be saying goodbye to 2019. How is this possible? Where did the time go?! Did you get wrapped up in the day-today operations and totally lost track of time? Well, you are probably not the only one.
The first of January is a traditional day for setting intentions and resolutions for the New Year. If you set personal goals, wouldn't you agree it is the perfect time to set resolutions for your business or organization?
New Year's Resolutions are a great reason to set both personal and professional goals! If you run a business, now is the perfect time to consider creating your 2020 marketing plan. Start the year off with a road-map to marketing success for your business or organization. Here are a five reasons why your business could benefit from an annual Marketing Plan:
1. Create marketing structure: As entrepreneurs, you are busy with many aspects of your business. Typically, marketing is not an area which holds a priority position on your to-do list. When you create a 2020 Marketing Plan, you are proactively planning and organizing your marketing efforts for the whole year.
2. Tap into your marketing mindset: Now is the time to take off your business owner cap and get comfortable with your marketing mindset. Tap into the psyche of your ideal customers, determine where you can reach them, and develop the perfect messaging.
3. Time to set goals: If you don't measure your marketing success, you are throwing time and money directly out the window. Determine what key performance indicators (KPIs) will drive success for your business. Consider measurable goals which you can track, review, and assess at the end of a specified time period.
4. Team effort: By documenting a marketing plan, you are putting forth a clear and objective document which communicates your intentions for the year. For businesses with small teams, this can clarify each individuals roles, as well as the goals and responsibilities.
5. Save money with a marketing budget: I am guessing that your marketing budget is not I right? When you create a marketing plan, budgets and strategies are outlined to keep your business on track throughout the year. What does this mean? Instead of saying 'Yes' to all of the sales, promotions, calls or emails you receive from local advertisers, you will have a rock-solid plan to follow throughout the year. No more guessing if the marketing will be effective. No more wondering if your time and money is being wasted.
As the holidays come to a close and the presents are put away, consider the list of your personal, professional, and business goals for 2020. Set your business up for success in the New Year with a comprehensive and measurable plan that will save your business money and time while growing your customer base.
KLG Designs offers a complimentary consultation to all businesses and organizations who are interested in learning about our Marketing Planning Services. Please email to schedule a meeting for your 2020 Marketing Plan.